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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pissed-off HORSE!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:50 pm    Post subject: Ouch Reply with quote

BBC is accused of Grand National 'carnage coverup' over deaths of horses

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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man tries to take horse on train at Wrexham station
Kate Forrester,
DPW West
May 18 2011

STAFF at a train station had a shock when a man turned up and demanded to buy a ticket � for his pony. And despite being told by Wrexham General�s ticket office worker that horses were not allowed on the train, he bundled the creature into a lift and led it onto the platform. When the train arrived, the man attempted to board it with his four-legged friend, but was stopped by a concerned conductor.

An anonymous source told the Daily Post: �The man took the pony into the ticket office and asked for a ticket. He was refused and told that no horses were allowed on the train. But he said �I know the law� and walked away. He got into a lift with the horse and walked it across the bridge and onto a platform. He waited for the train to arrive and then got on himself and was in the process of trying to pull the pony on after him when the conductor stopped him. Staff couldn�t believe it � most people thought it was a wind-up.�

The man is believed to have left the station � with the pony in tow � after a brief argument. An Arriva Trains Wales spokeswoman said the firm had been made aware of the incident. �Obviously passengers are not allowed to take livestock on to the train,� she added. "We do allow small animals, such as dogs and guide dogs, onboard but not large animals that could pose a risk to the general public. The man was refused a ticket and was not allowed to board the train. He then left the station, so there is no need for any further investigation.�


I wonder where he was taking the HORSE? A day out to the beach?
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PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blind horse looked after by animal gang

Michelle Feldstein is no stranger to taking in animals in slightly unusual circumstances at her Deer haven Ranch animal shelter in Montana, USA.

Over the years Ms Feldstein, 66, has taken in ducks that can�t fly, cats without no claws and nomad llamas, but even she had to double take when she saw Sissy and her gang of helpers. She said: �Sissy came with five goats and five sheep - and they take care of her. They round her up at feeding time and then move aside to make sure she gets to the hay. They show her where the water is and stand between her and the fence to let her know the fence is there.�

Ms Feldstein went on to explain how the sheep and goats diligently look after the 15-year-old white mare come what may, even through blizzards or torrential rain. �There's a magic involved in sheep, goats and a horse becoming best friends," she said. 'When you watch them, you have to wonder, why can't people do that?�


blind horse!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Runaway nabbed by cop ... on horse

A COP nabbed a wanted man after chasing him through a busy town centre � on a HORSE. Shoppers watched in amazement as PC Martin Lindsley, 38, chased the fugitive on Reg, an eight-year-old Shire cross, for a quarter of a mile. The exhausted 28-year-old eventually gave up when Martin and Reg cornered him in pub car park. PC Lindsley, a cop for 15 years and a mounted bobby for seven, said: "When he finally got his breath back he said he was never going to run away from a police horse again."

The officer was on duty in Middlesbrough town centre on his dappled grey mount when a call came over the radio that the man, wanted for skipping bail and failing to turn up at court, had been spotted nearby. He said: "Some other officers had seen him and a radio alert went out. I saw him as well soon after and went up to speak to him. But as soon as I got alongside him he said, 'I'm sorry about this' � and took off. It was a massive shock because people hardly ever run from horses.

"Reg is a big horse, there's about a ton of him, and we were facing the wrong way so by the time we turned around the man was well down the street. He was running on the pavement and we took off after him on the road. I was well aware of shoppers and motorists watching us and I obviously had to take great care in relation to other road users. He ran round a corner and was several hundred yards ahead of us but we kept after him.

"I made sure I kept a good eye on where he was going and spotted him running into a pub car park. We caught up with him in the car park and by that time he was exhausted. Such was the physical exertion he was actually sick."

Reg has only been on the job three weeks but he and dad-of-two PC Lindsley have already notched up a number of collars. He said: "He has had a good start and as a reward for this one he got a big bag of apples. He certainly rose to the occasion and we joked that he left some impressive hoof skid marks on the road during the pursuit. On a serious note, it was an excellent piece of policing with team work at its core. It really was a joint effort between me, Reg and my colleagues on the ground."

The man was taken into custody and is due to appear before magistrates in Middlesbrough.


The story says the HORSE was grey, but it doesn't like that way to me...
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Henry the alkie HORSE
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Runaway horse caught on speed camera in Germany

Normally reserved for catching motorists haring along in their cars, this speed camera turned up an interesting result for police in Meppen, Germany, when they examined their evidence at the end of the day.

The runaway nag had bolted from a nearby paddock and found his way onto the main road of the Lower Saxony town, dashing through traffic as drivers tried their best to get out of the way. The horse was eventually accosted - but only after 20 minutes of freedom, and setting off the speed camera.

A police spokesman said: 'The horse was galloping at full speed for several kilometers before it copuld be stopped, caught and led back home. The image was taken by a camera set to take pictures of speeding motorists and people going over the red light. It was actually a car driver that triggered the picture and the horse ended up being snapped in the same picture.'

The officer added that the driver who skipped the traffic signals had lodged an official complaint against the fine - saying he was distracted by the galloping gelding. 'He claimed he was trying to get out of the way of a runaway horse,' the spokesman added. 'At least we know that part is true.'

A broken fence was cited as the cause of the escape. It has since been repaired.


What a cool picture of a HORSE!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

House dug up to rescue clumsy horse trapped in basement

The foundations of an entire house had to be uprooted to free a horse that had become trapped in the basement after falling down a window well in Elbert County, Colorado.

Too much horsing around had led to Summer falling through a four-foot window well of a house into the basement, which had been built without any means of getting out. Construction workers and the fire brigade were brought in in order to free Summer. It took them four hours to achieve their goal. A vet was called in to keep the horse sedated after the poor creature had suffered minor cuts and injuries from the fall.

Summer's owner Alice Golter told Denver Fox station KDVR: 'I came out and I'm looking at the gate here and I only see half a horse sticking out. 'At first I'm thinking she's rolling around, and then I realize I don't see the other half of the horse. It was pretty scary.'


house-breaking HORSE
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rescued HORSE
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Spooked horse throws rider and swims half a mile out to sea before lifeboat rescue

A horse named Shallimah made a big splash after being rescued by lifeboat crews more than half-a-mile out at sea.

The Spooked nag threw off his female rider while going for a walk along the beach at Sandwich, in Kent.

Shallimah then ran into the sea and was chased by his owner before eventually giving up because he kept swimming out into the English Channel.

But after going for an almighty swim, he was rescued by Walmer Inshore Lifeboat volunteers.

Walmer lifeboat helmsman Andrew Howland said: �This was one of the most unusual and most satisfying rescues I've carried out whilst a lifeboat crew member.

�Leading a horse to water is one thing but persuading it to come out again is a completely different issue.�

Shallimah's owner had called 999 and reported she and her horse had got into trouble and needed help from the RLNI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution).

When the lifeboat reached distressed Shallimah, he was starting to tire so the crew attached a line to his bridle and coaxed it back to shore and was reunited with his owner.

Robert Smith, 23, of Canterbury, who witnessed the drama, said: �It was very dramatic but thankfully everyone is fine now.

�It could have been so much worse. The horse was obviously a bit scared but he looked a lot better when he got out of the water.

�The owner looked a bit cold after chasing him out to sea. The horse did have a bit of a long face after it all.�

swimming HORSE!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

skijoring horse!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

car crushing horse!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Horse Mounted Police

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PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 4:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This HORSE stands at the entrance to the refugee camp in Jenin, Palestine. It was made from parts of vehicles (including an ambulance if you look) which were crushed by tanks during the invasion.
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