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Illegal-file sharing could 'cost billions' by 2015
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Brown Sauce

Joined: 07 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:01 pm    Post subject: Illegal-file sharing could 'cost billions' by 2015 Reply with quote

"Illegal-file sharing could 'cost billions' by 2015"

worra load a corporate bollox. These fucks have been ripping folk off for decades.

they don't like it up 'em .... greedy bastards are running out of their fuckin' gravy.

Agnete Haaland, the president of the International Actors' Federation, which supports the research, said that education was key to tackling piracy,

"To me, piracy is something adventurous, it makes you think about Johnny Depp. "

closeted prat ..

google "piracy" and see what you get, it's interesting.

google love piracy on the other hand ....

if there's one thing that get's my goat, it's an arteest who complains that he/she is being ripped off.

discuss ... lol
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'Native New Yorker'

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love pirating. If Hollywood and it's ilk weren't putting out such crap, maybe I wouldn't mind paying for stuff. They charge outrageous prices for crap stuff(for the most part). Same with music artists. I will always be on the side of pirating. Arrgghhhh!!! Shiver me timbers!
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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm kinda in two minds about pirating. a few years back me and a friend pressed up and released a load of 12" vinyl over a year selling direct to customers via the net - everyones records would be sent out the same week ( with left overs being sold later - we used to press what we could afford from the initial pre-sales ).

when you're packing and carrying hundreds of records to the post office and before you've sent them all out some cunt has ripped it and its up for download its ( as an old boss of mine would say ) taking food off my table! once its ripped and up for download, why bother buying the records that are taking up space in my office?! i mean, give us a bit of time to sell the fucking thing first before you rip it!

that said, i do download as well, but i've found a lot of new artists that way and have gone on to buy their vinyl or downloads, or checked them in clubs. plus i download older stuff that you just can't buy now unless you wanna pay top money for second hand vinyl.

with the vinyl we used to release we did make digital versions available for download after the vinyl was done, but digital sales were tiny - most people, if they can get it for free, will do.

it affects smaller labels more than anyone else. for new artists it can be good to get your name out there, but you're never going to make much money because your sales will be reduced because of pirating. gigs is where the moneys at, but the label can't afford to put them on because theres no money!

its quite a complex subject when you think about it ... Confused
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Brown Sauce

Joined: 07 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find myself agreeing with pirty -- Confused


I think that if you are good enough to earn a living from any artistic endevour you have to be pretty good. The most these days simply aren't. They are marketed assets. It is the marketing that is suffering, and maybe a few busted ego's that never deserved more than a job at Mac FryMe.

Now, if one has the talent, then comes the work. I also think that many think that the Mac FrigMe job is too "hard". Cool they ain't all Mark Knopfler, but think that as they've been signed up by sony they deserve a similar paycheck. They need to check reality. IE, that they are now't but a gamble made by some gambler who now earns more than they ever will.

If you are good, you'll make it, with a lot of hard work.

Otherwise just take it for what it should be, ie fun. And screw sonyemidisneywhatever, they are the ONLY ones really losing out, and I applaud it.

Use the net for free advertising, then do the mileage, have fun and don't fuckin' grumble. Leave that for the fat pigs at sony.
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Joined: 23 Jul 2008

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had lots to say but i decided to summarise with this:

Digital Economy Bill: God help us all and save us from those who do us ill.

Godspeed the revolution.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I intend to end my life having come out baout level with the tax man and with the record industry.
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Brown Sauce

Joined: 07 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Colston wrote:
I intend to end my life having come out baout level with the tax man and with the record industry.

and those would be two variables depending on opinion Smile
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Joined: 22 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the pirates should be punished Razz
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Liam backs pirates

With the passing of the Digital Economy Bill, the Government finally looks set to take action against illegal downloading. According to the white paper, persistent offenders who flout the laws governing online piracy could be hit by internet bans, as Parliament and the music industry look to get serious.

Of course, it's not just the suits and number crunchers in record labels across the world that are seething at their loss of revenue. Musicians, bands and even production staff are said to be losing out and want action taken and taken soon.

But this is not a view held by Liam Gallagher, who has now unfurled his views on the matter, insisting he doesn't see any problem with illegal downloading, which he says is no different from taping music off the radio, as he did when growing up.

"I don't mind it. I hate all these big, silly rock stars who moan - at least they're f**king downloading your music, you c**t, and paying attention, know what I mean? You should f**king appreciate that - what are you moaning about? You've got f**king five big houses, so shut up," explained the former Oasis star.

But what about the other stars of pop and rock? Check out their quotes below to find out who's in what corner and why...


Ed O'Brien (Radiohead)

"I have a problem when people in the industry say 'it's killing the industry, it's the thing that's ripping us apart' I don't actually believe it is...[Pirates] might not buy an album, but they're spending their money buying concert tickets, a T-shirt, whatever."

Nick Mason (Pink Floyd)

"The last thing we want to be doing is going to war with our fanbase. File sharing means a new generation of fans for us. It's a great thing to have another generation discovering your music and thinking you're rather good. File sharing plays a part in that, because that generation don't do it any other way."

Dave Rowntree (Blur)

"For the industry as a whole, the more people hear music, the better. For a so-called creative industry we are being very uncreative in the way we approach this topic. We have driven the problem underground and we are about to drive it into a place where we won't be able to find out what is going on."

Fran Healy (Travis)

"I think if you can afford to buy a record then you should buy it. People who hunt down a record and download it for free will probably talk it up. They are the unsung word-of-mouthers who spread the word and create tipping point situations for a greedy record business that has got so fat it is unable to see its own foot soldiers."

Featured Artists Coalition (inc Tom Jones, Annie Lennox, Kate Nash)

"We remain steadfast in our belief that making threats against individual music fans is not an effective way to resolve any problems associated with file sharing."


Lily Allen

"These guys from huge bands said file sharing music is fine. It probably is fine for them. They do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world. For new talent though, file sharing is a disaster as it's making it harder and harder for new acts to emerge."


"Making an album is a team effort, so when somebody pirates a record [it] not only affects the artist, but also the people who worked on it like co-producers, co-writers and musicians."

James Blunt

"At long last the Government is looking to legislate to protect the industry. Peter Mandelson is looking to engage the Internet service providers who, in my opinion, handle stolen goods, and should take much more responsibility. How this legislation pans out, and if it goes through at all, is critical to the survival of the British music business."


"It's not the place for rich rock stars to ask for more money, but somebody should fight for fellow artists, because this is madness. Music has become tap water, a utility, where for me it's a sacred thing, so I'm a little offended [by illegal downloading]."

Stevie Wonder

"Record companies, publishers, radio stations, retailers, artists and others in our industry must take a very strong position against the stealing of our writing and music or else those writings and music will become as cheap as the garbage in the streets."
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Joined: 22 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Trent Reznor [NIN]: Steal it!

There you go!
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Brown Sauce

Joined: 07 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

luke wrote:
Liam backs pirates


Lily Allen

"These guys from huge bands said file sharing music is fine. It probably is fine for them. They do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world. For new talent though, file sharing is a disaster as it's making it harder and harder for new acts to emerge."


"Making an album is a team effort, so when somebody pirates a record [it] not only affects the artist, but also the people who worked on it like co-producers, co-writers and musicians."

James Blunt

"At long last the Government is looking to legislate to protect the industry. Peter Mandelson is looking to engage the Internet service providers who, in my opinion, handle stolen goods, and should take much more responsibility. How this legislation pans out, and if it goes through at all, is critical to the survival of the British music business."


"It's not the place for rich rock stars to ask for more money, but somebody should fight for fellow artists, because this is madness. Music has become tap water, a utility, where for me it's a sacred thing, so I'm a little offended [by illegal downloading]."

Stevie Wonder

"Record companies, publishers, radio stations, retailers, artists and others in our industry must take a very strong position against the stealing of our writing and music or else those writings and music will become as cheap as the garbage in the streets."

Lily .. Bullshit

shakira .. learn how to sing and write, or get out. co this and co that ffs ...

blunt .. has been ...

bono .. if you consider it sacred that makes you a whore, but some of us knew already ..

stevie .. it's the arteests man, if they're as good as you, they've now't to worry about.

I think Liam has read my post .... and fair play to Trent Reznor.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'Hurt Locker' bosses target movie pirates

The movie piracy battle has exploded into life � the bosses behind 'The Hurt Locker' have begun a multi-million dollar lawsuit against those who watched the Oscar winning film illegally.

Voltage Pictures are teaming up with the U.S Copyright Group, to sue thousands of individuals who downloaded the bomb disposal thriller illegally on BitTorrent in America.

The U.S Copyright Group has already filed lawsuits over a number of other films, including 'Far Cry' and 'Uncross the Stars'. A lawyer at the firm who are preparing the lawsuit, Thomas Dunlap, said, "You can guess that relative to the films we've pursued already, the order of magnitude is much higher with the 'Hurt Locker'."

According to the Hollywood Reporter, once the lawsuits are filed those that have been sued must subpoena ISP records in order to see if their IP addresses match that with illegal use on BitTorrent.

Dunlap added that of the 50,000 people sued so far only a handful have tried to get the subpoena quashed.

Despite the film's Oscar winning success, it was something of a flop at the US box office, but the law suit could potentially earn them millions of pounds.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wonder what the betting is that Eircom lose a lot of customers?
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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what software should i be using to keep myself safe when downloading torrents now? i've heard of peerblock - is that any good?
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