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Joined: 08 May 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:20 pm Post subject: |
| a parent i can assure you i am not reacting may be that, having abdicated any parental duty of your own, you may also have abdicated from the very necessary concerns that parents have when faced with, what is essentially, an environment of government sponsored threats, towards yourself (by virtue of the fact that you have procreated), and towards your children (they must attend school, like it or not, take exams, must succeed etc)..perhaps you re being naive
..which is not a crime
..however, in the prison society..monitored by cameras, with your data on a database, id card at the ready..
..we re all criminals in the eyes of the law
..they re just making it official..
seriously, how long do you think it will be before the story reads.."he passed the tests, paid his levy, but still went on to abuse/etc"
..and what about the priests?..they re top of the league as a profession for child abuse..wheres their fee? |
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faceless admin

Joined: 25 Apr 2006
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:54 pm Post subject: |
You chose to have children, so you need to deal with the consequences of your actions. Being angry and accusatory does no one any good and I can't see a single negative aspect of your children being better protected.
As for the comment about priests - ffs. Have you ever read any statistics about the potential for that demographic group to be any more dangerous than any other group of males? Obviously not. You're far more likely to be abused by someone in your own family and for that reason I'd rather see the parents vetted to see if they're fit to bring a child up.
As for me being 'naive'. You're the one who did something without being aware of the potential outcome, not me. I made an intelligent choice not to do it and I'm quite content with my life - with no worries about government interference or prison-states. I've been involved in direct actions against governments throughout my life - so if anyone should be worried it should be me, because I put my money where my mouth is. |
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Joined: 08 May 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:27 pm Post subject: |
..yes i chose to be a parent (the wife decided to become pregnant), it was the right
thing to do, having been together for some time, i dont regret it one bit..the fact is,
without people like me, there would be no one like you.. a parent one deals with those consequences (tho i wonder what you mean),
everyday..without fail, lest you make your children suffer, this requires acts of
selflessness, all the time, it also means having to explain yourself on demand.
..these are some of the actual consequences.
..having to explain, for instance, why a child must be frisked, or pass a scanning
device, before being allowed into school..or..why there is a female and a male police
presence at the gate of school, is a different matter, and perhaps you are actually
unaware of said consequences in relation to the actuality of parenting...
..if one is prepared to take responsibilty for ones own actions, surely it follows that
one would wish to pass on the same..
..and whilst im not sure why you feel accused, you re right i am angry, very angry at
the ever worsening manipulation of society by heinous criminals, and until you become a
parent you may not understand where im coming from.
..and as for the priests, its a good you want to see a register for priests
who have contact with children?..
(..weird line breaks..sorry) |
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Joined: 08 May 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:33 pm Post subject: |
..really dont understand where you re coming from..
you seem to think i regret having kids.. also seem to think i was unaware of the conception process....
..but you re not seriously saying that there has not been a culture, hidden, of abuse from people such as priests who have contact with, or care of children..?
..the point remains..if no one is to be trusted without being "vetted", where does that mind set end?
..surely we all end up on the data base of a system, whos purpose is to, at some point, incriminate you.. |
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faceless admin

Joined: 25 Apr 2006
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:55 pm Post subject: |
I don't think you do, or should, regret having kids, I'm saying that you should have been aware of the issues before getting involved. Being pissed off about the system now does no one any good - especially, without wanting to offend, your own kids if they pick up on it.
There has been a culture of abuse of children for hundreds/thousands of years - the fact that priests have been caught out says nothing other than that the others haven't and that it's easier for people to attack representatives of faiths for their crimes - especially when the main problem comes from within the family, which is still too often unspoken.
You're accusing the government of trying to take more of your perceived liberties when you've already given your legal guardianship over your children by sending them to school, but you don't need to send your children to school - the law only says they must be educated to an accepted standard.
We are already on the system simply through the NI/NHS system and with the ID scheme apparently being scrapped (it was never going to happen if you ask me) then I really don't agree that there's a prison-state system in the offing.
I'm not naive and nor do I appreciate being patronised. Parents are no different from any other group in society, apart from the fact that so many think because they've had a child that the rest of us should give them some kind of respect - and that's part of the reason I chose not to get involved. Our society is a mess and the less I can do to contribute to that and the fucking-up of the planet because of a selfish desire to procreate, the better I feel. |
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Joined: 08 May 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:33 pm Post subject: |
| have a truly bizarre view of having kids, becoming a should try it you may find an epiphany of good sense come your way..
..not sure why you feel patronised, i think you re over reacting to my reply to the thread.. not pissed off about the system, i despise it , my experience of the system usually comes in the form of a threat/warning..(heres a tip..have a coupla kids, get tax credit..see what happens next)
..surely the idea that child abuse has gone on before, so there you a totally unacceptable form of judgement on the issue, it is inadequate to deal with the reality of looking after a child, because you have to protect them.
..ive no idea what you mean by perceived liberties, are there unperceived liberties?
..we re all possible parents
..but if you feel like your offspring will go around the planet "!fucking things up", then its perhaps best that you dont..
..i sound so bitter
..and yes i think its beyond expectation to expect any respect from anyone in relation to being/becoming a parent, especially in a country whose government continues to find ways to undermine parent and non-parent alike.. |
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faceless admin

Joined: 25 Apr 2006
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:44 pm Post subject: |
I'm bitter? That's a good one.
Do you often try and put your own psychological faults on others? It seems that's all you've done in this thread since your first words in accusing Galloway of being a reactionary.
Everything that's wrong with your world is of your own making. Bite the bullet and stop whinging.
As for people fucking up the planet - if you seriously believe that materialistic societies aren't doing exactly that then you've got no understanding at all. |
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Joined: 08 May 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:01 pm Post subject: |
..clearly you know nothing about "my world", i was nt being personal..
..and, really im not whinging..we might be having a debate, it could kick in at any moment..
i dont know what you mean by psychological faults..however, in my own view of the world, a man who refuses to procreate for his own philosophical reasons, may be considered to be incurring a psychological fault, by some people..
..and yes i accuse george of being a most sophisticated, dedicated reactionary, its astonishing to me that you re suggesting he is nt reactionary..
..after all he is a career politician, and much more besides, but definitely he is in his own words, "a political animal", who sits and reads the papers every day, picking and choosing those stories with which to seed, or create, or explore a reaction..and in this story he has indeed reacted, he reveals to you that he was abused as a boy.
..your reaction is to post the story here, and thusly create/demand a reaction.., some of us are not so 1 dimensional as to merely only be able to react, but we require debate, sharing of opinion and so on, the very nature of a forum for debate is an environment for reasoned response, surely, but mostly all we get to do is react..i get that.. |
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faceless admin

Joined: 25 Apr 2006
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:25 pm Post subject: |
I know enough about your world because your attitudes and stunted perspective is so common as to make everything you say utterly predictable.
Debating with you is pointless becase you either have no self-awareness or you're deluded enough to believe that the game you play is somehow clever.
I've now closed your account because I don't like cunts who spread their anger without at least sharing something positive too. You've had a few months to do so and have given nothing. |
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Joined: 04 Jan 2009
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:43 pm Post subject: |
A reactionary is someone who opposes political or social progress or reform. I don't think you can really accuse George of being that...after all that would make him kinda right-wing.
I'm not quite sure if this poster had a particular axe to grind against George, or if they are one of these people always moaning about the 'nanny state'.
Well it's the ones normally moaning against the 'nanny state' who are most reactionary, so this poster was quite hypercritical, and the sort of person not really interested in a state at all. But you see, it is society's responsibility for all children's welfare, and the state definitely has a duty to protect them.
Have we not forgotten the terrible stories of children being physically abused by their OWN families in such awful ways. And when it's their family who do these wicked deeds, who else can these poor children rely on but the state and society that they live in... |
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:28 pm Post subject: |
Of course CRB checks and the like won't stop every person determined to harm children but what they do do is prevent those who are already known to the authorities.
Surely not a bad thing?
The extent to which people's lives can be destroyed by childhood abuse says all must be done that can be done. |
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