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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I haven't gone 'mental' at all. I'm a realist. My eyes are more open than either of yours, obviously.

nekokate wrote:

What things can't "we" do anymore incase it offends a Muslim?? I can't think of one. And who says they don't want to abide by our laws? They do abide by our laws, and the ones that don't are punished under our legal system in the same way anyone is. Thirdly, which Muslims say we don't integrate with them? Isn't it actually the other way around considering they're the minority?

Honestly, I hope you come to your senses one day. Perhaps you will when it's time for you to be forced to wear a burkha.

It's not bigotry, it's realism. If that's not acceptable then ok. I can't say I've seen hoardes of Christians or Jews or Bhuddists marching along the streets of London with signs - "Death to non-believers", or Christians or Jews or Bhuddists sending death threats to editors because of a cartoon. But yeah, it's a religion of peace (As long as you're a Muslim).
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about the thousands of 'christians' who protested on the streets about the Jerry Springer opera and sent death threats to Stewart Lee?

The government and media choose to focus on Islamic extremists because it's the current bogeyman, just like Communism was 20-30 years ago.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shillax wrote:
I can't say I've seen hoardes of Christians or Jews or Bhuddists marching along the streets of London with signs - "Death to non-believers"

you've picked one protest in london which was a few hundred people ( and ignoring the far larger one a week or so after - as the media did as well ) and you've decided they're representative of all muslims?
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Joined: 13 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shillax wrote:
I haven't gone 'mental' at all. I'm a realist. My eyes are more open than either of yours, obviously.

nekokate wrote:

What things can't "we" do anymore incase it offends a Muslim?? I can't think of one. And who says they don't want to abide by our laws? They do abide by our laws, and the ones that don't are punished under our legal system in the same way anyone is. Thirdly, which Muslims say we don't integrate with them? Isn't it actually the other way around considering they're the minority?

Honestly, I hope you come to your senses one day. Perhaps you will when it's time for you to be forced to wear a burkha.

Tell you what: Actually answer my questions. You even had the cynical audacity to quote me asking you four questions and your reply answered none of them. Get your gigantic balls out and answer the questions I asked you. It's very easy to just say "You'll come to your senses one day" - in fact you can say that to anything you disagree with - but it's something altogether different to actually engage someone in debate.

Answer my questions if you expect to be taken seriously, Shillax. This isn't Filibustering & Obfuscation 101.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What an intresting thread this turned out to be more ways than one Sad

My Guess is the Teacher was just an over zealous newbie trying to do the right thing ......He/She just went about it the wrong way .......

I was having a convo with an English friend the other day about my wanting to move back home .....and her reply to me Was ... Why the Hell would U want to back there Its full of Foking Moslem's now ...don't You know we don't fit anymore ..... I asked her if she Remembered that my daughters Dad My Ex Husband was a Moslem....... She was a bit lost for words .......I dont think I will be having much to do with her anymore ......
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good for you, Aja.

Actually, I feel pretty stupid because it was only about a month ago that I found out that Rastafarianism is actually a religion. I read up on it - they have it made!!!
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

any religion that includes the use of cannabis is alright in my book smoking
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
Good for you, Aja.

Actually, I feel pretty stupid because it was only about a month ago that I found out that Rastafarianism is actually a religion. I read up on it - they have it made!!!

ROFLMAO I bet you wouldn't mind having that forced on you at school Very Happy But in all honesty kate

Rasta has its different sects too

here is just a quick read

theres some good links there too.....if u want to know more .....My Fella knows all there is to know Very Happy
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

just for the sake of it, an interesting fact about Christianity is that, until its power became prevalent in western Europe, where pigs had previously been eaten widely, eating pork was forbidden in the same way as it is in Judaism and Islam.

There is in fact, no point at which the consumption of pig meat is validated in the Bible. It was a product of 'the church' adapting to its environs in new lands. There are, however, various genuinely Christian sects who still don't eat it.

The general consensus is that the forbidding of pig is based on its prevalence to spoiling early, but it is one of the 2 items in Islam which I've found, so far, isn't described precisely.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aja wrote:
What an intresting thread this turned out to be more ways than one Sad

My Guess is the Teacher was just an over zealous newbie trying to do the right thing ......He/She just went about it the wrong way .......

I was having a convo with an English friend the other day about my wanting to move back home .....and her reply to me Was ... Why the Hell would U want to back there Its full of Foking Moslem's now ...don't You know we don't fit anymore ..... I asked her if she Remembered that my daughters Dad My Ex Husband was a Moslem....... She was a bit lost for words .......I dont think I will be having much to do with her anymore ......

Your friend was just voicing a very widespread and correct opinion. I agree the teacher was over zealous and went about it the wrong way. Personally I would have just shown a video of a Mosque during prayer time. That would have sufficed. If I were an RE teacher I would invite a church leader from all denominations to come to the school to do a short talk on their religion. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Catholic (Not a priest though, it's a school afterall) etc etc. That would not only educate children on different religions, but also show them that different religions can work together. Academically teachers are very clever, but common sense wise they're as thick as shit.

nekokate - There have been numerous cases where Muslims have refused to remove their Burkhas during court proceedings, or children wearing those ceremonial knives to school because it's part of their religion. They've taken the schools to court over it. Hello? Knives in schools are bad, whatever the reason. A Christian wears a cross at the airport and is fired. A school child wears a cross to school and is sent home. That's part of their religion but it's only Christianity, so no matter. When Englishmen are nervous about flying the English flag on national holidays in case it offends some foreigner or another, you gotta ask yourself, what did we win the war for?

And when in a court of English law the judge must see your face, wherever you're from. When you get preachers of hate on the streets of London and we allow that (that in itself is unbelievable) but hundreds if not thousands of Muslims are listening and chanting hell yeah.

And oh those poor Palestinians, the same day of the World Trade Center we saw video of them celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem, crying tears of joy over the loss of American life. When Israel treats them like shit with American backing, they wonder "What have we done to deserve this?"
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Joined: 29 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shillax wrote:
. Academically teachers are very clever, but common sense wise they're as thick as shit.

Seeing as how I am a teacher and not only have common sense but use it on a daily basis (and did in my classroom), I think you should retract your statement. Your very good at generalizing people but not very educated about them. It's so easy for you to pass judgment. At this point, I can see you must be one of the happiest people on the planet. Ignorance is bliss after all.
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Joined: 22 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ceremonial knives with Muslim kids!! Are you sure about this 'fact'? AFAIK, it is for Shikhs

And oh those poor Palestinians, the same day of the World Trade Center we saw video of them celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem, crying tears of joy over the loss of American life

It's not true. Heard it many times from GG
When Israel treats them like shit with American backing, they wonder "What have we done to deserve this?"
Palestinians are being treated like that for a very long time. It's nothing new. ;)
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shillax, your pseudo-intellectual crap smells stronger than anything I've had the displeasure to encounter in a long time; you mix up cultures, repeat shit that only tabloid editors could excrete and then expect people here to think that you're reasonable? Your only saving grace is that you're so misguided that it's laughable.

Burkhas in court? How many women wear burkhas? How many have been to court? And yet you use this as an example of a whole culture? You are a class-one fool and the image in my head of you getting red-faced and outraged over these evil foreigners makes me laugh out loud.

You have been brainwashed in just the same way as the people you hate. If you post more of your ill-informed rubbish it will be removed. That's your second and final warning.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shillax wrote:
And oh those poor Palestinians, the same day of the World Trade Center we saw video of them celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem, crying tears of joy over the loss of American life. When Israel treats them like shit with American backing, they wonder "What have we done to deserve this?"

just to pick up on this point, the israelis - with american backing, having been treating the palestinians like 'shit' for decades before 9/11 - and if that was the reaction in palestine it wasn't the same as elsewhere in the middle east, have you forgot the million plus crowds that came out in iran in support of america after 9/11? you seem to have a habit of only picking events that fit your modus operandi and ignoring events that run contrary to it ... like most of the media! do you work for the sun? wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

on a lighter note, it seems they're doing practical lessons in aspects of the rastafarian religion in schools now ... certainly wasn't like this in my day - unfortunately! Smile
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