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PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
I think this is just anti-GTA propaganda. If he'd been in a queue for an 18 certificate DVD they wouldn't even have mentioned it.

And it wasn't the guy queueing for the game who became violent, it was some random hooded nutter, so the link to the game is even more idiotic to point out.

It's not even defendable based on an ironic slant, because people who play the game don't become violent because of it. Annoying!

yeah, I agree with all that - but the guy still stood in the queue!
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
...because people who play the game don't become violent because of it. Annoying!

That's not entirely true...

There is plenty of research (albeit criticised) to say the opposite. Bandura, Berkowitz, Buss.
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Colston wrote:
nekokate wrote:
...because people who play the game don't become violent because of it. Annoying!

That's not entirely true...

There is plenty of research (albeit criticised) to say the opposite. Bandura, Berkowitz, Buss.

Yes. I think you'll find those people were insane maniacs. If Berkowitz had a bowl of Frosted Flakes that morning are you going to blame enthusiastic cartoon tigers on his actions? Give me a fucking break.

If 20 million people play a video game and 1 murders someone, there is no fucking connection. End of.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
Colston wrote:
nekokate wrote:
...because people who play the game don't become violent because of it. Annoying!

That's not entirely true...

There is plenty of research (albeit criticised) to say the opposite. Bandura, Berkowitz, Buss.

Yes. I think you'll find those people were insane maniacs. If Berkowitz had a bowl of Frosted Flakes that morning are you going to blame enthusiastic cartoon tigers on his actions? Give me a fucking break.

If 20 million people play a video game and 1 murders someone, there is no fucking connection. End of.

Why so aggressive Kate?

Unfortunately however much you want freedom to choose to indulge whatever whim or fancy, a choice I wholeheartedly respect and endorse, prolonged exposure to anything desensitises you to it...

So enjoy but please if you overindluge expect to be influenced.
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Colston wrote:
prolonged exposure to anything desensitises you to it...

So enjoy but please if you overindluge expect to be influenced.

But it won't make you kill people.

Everything influences a person. If you hear a song you've never heard before you are influenced to the extent that you have now heard it.

All I am saying is that games like GTA 4 do not make people go out and kill. If you disagree then I will come to your house and kill you!!
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
Colston wrote:
prolonged exposure to anything desensitises you to it...

So enjoy but please if you overindluge expect to be influenced.

But it won't make you kill people.

Everything influences a person. If you hear a song you've never heard before you are influenced to the extent that you have now heard it.

All I am saying is that games like GTA 4 do not make people go out and kill. If you disagree then I will come to your house and kill you!!

Kill... probably not... but violent... how long have you been playing? Laughing
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PostPosted: Sun May 18, 2008 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

George is on this subject again, talking about GTA4. For a man so opposed to violence he's really twatting the shit out of this dead horse.

It strikes me that his real argument is from heart not head - he personally hates violent games and movies so he wants them banned to satisfy his own moral standards, but unfortunately there are too many people - and I'm talking about adults - who love games like GTA4 and will fight to the last drop of digitally rendered blood to protect their right to play them.

I can understand his argument that everything we see has some influence on us - that's elementary - but his assertion that the influence is always a negative or degenerate one is a non-sequiter leap. Playing GTA4 and getting your character involved in a police chase and a shoot-out is certainly going to have an influence on someone, but perhaps that influence will be manifested simply in them having some bloody good fun for 5 minutes.

The idea that people play these games and go out and blow prostitutes' heads off the next day is just absurd. I'm dead certain that the connection between violent games and violent people is the opposite way around. I think people who are violent by nature will go out and buy violent games, not that placid people are made into sociopaths by playing them. For instance, if you were to search the house of an 18 year old kid who'd just shot some of his friends, you'd almost certainly find some violent movies and perhaps some violent video games, but that simply does not prove that the material was what caused him to flip. You might as well advocate banning pizza and orange juice because that's what was found in his kitchen cupboards, too.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2007

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have been away for a while and am just catching up on the shows I had missed. I sort of expected George to start banging on about this again following the high profile release of GTA 4. It's clear that George has not even seen any footage of the game in action. I'm sorry, but if you haven't played it, then I cannot take your objections seriously. Likewise, when George was banging on about the Eastern Promises film, criticising the violence, it was clear that he had not seen the film. As it turned out, the film was a masterpiece and was nominated for several oscars.

It reminds me of the Brass Eye and Jerry Springer The Opera outrages. Thousands of people made compalints about the Jerry Springer Opera but very few of the complainants had seen the show. Likewise, when the Brass Eye Paedophillia episode was broadcast some years back, many people complained without having seen the show.

GTA 4 will not turn anyone into a killer. I have played the game through, and it actually requires the player to make several moral decisions during the course of the game. It was fun. I'm not a bloodthirsty killer. I am a vegan with a degree in psychology (and incidentally, I can tell you that no study has ever demonstrated a causal link between video games and violent behaviour, including the recently published Tanya Byron study).

It's a shame that I didn't hear the show going out live. I would have liked to have called in to ask George if he wishes to ban games and movies because of their violent content then perhaps he would join with me in campaigning for the banning of The Bible, containing, as it does, some of the most vulgar and gratuitous acts of random violence, rape and genocide that I have ever read.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Comsatangel wrote:
I would have liked to have called in to ask George if he wishes to ban games and movies because of their violent content then perhaps he would join with me in campaigning for the banning of The Bible, containing, as it does, some of the most vulgar and gratuitous acts of random violence, rape and genocide that I have ever read.

Controversial, but absolutely correct. Infact, if one is to believe The Old Testament, then God himself actually murdered every single person on the entire earth except 8 human beings when he decided he didn't like the way humanity was progressing and he decided to cause the great flood. That would make God the greatest mass murderer in the entire history of the world.

Of course I'm not pointing this out to piss off Christians or Jews - I'm very comfortable for people to have their faiths - but it certainly puts GTA4 in perspective. If you take The Bible literally then God is a horrendous and vicious sadist.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok then, if games have no effect then why do the American Army use video games as training and recruitment tools?

And here's a video that shows how close the line in visual perception is between killing real people and 'fragging a few baddies'... (note, this video is from the Dutch forces)
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

faceless wrote:
ok then, if games have no effect...

Well, I'm not sure if you're addressing me or Comsatangel with that, but if it's me then you're doing so under a misconception because I have never said that I think games have "no effect" on people. Everything has an effect on people, everything influences people. Some bad, some good, some neutral.

All I'm saying is that violent video games are the scapegoat in this discussion. The people who commit horrible violence are already insane, it's not the fault of a game they choose to copy. As I've said before, The Manson Family were inspired by The Beatles. If you're evil and deranged, you will find a catalyst even in a soft toy factory.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just wanted to be Devil's Advocate as it's a great point for discussion... Cool

You're right that evil (though that is a biblical reference really) people will find a way to have an outlet, but can you influence someone (who might not have personal strength) to be evil when they might not otherwise be - people such as The Manson Family for example? If they'd not come under the influence of Manson himself, would they have done what they did?

And isn't that what the video-game mentioned above is a useful tool in employing?
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

faceless wrote:
people such as The Manson Family for example? If they'd not come under the influence of Manson himself, would they have done what they did?

And isn't that what the video-game mentioned above is a useful tool in employing?

Exactly! And that's why we should be focussing our efforts on people similar to Charles Manson and organisations such as the US government rather than poor old Dan Houser!
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sure the American Army wouldn't be wasting millions of tax payer's money on a frivolous exercise like this if they didn't think it would pay off... or would they? haha
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Of course not. The American government never wastes money.

Incidentally, for people who have never played any of the GTA games before - they might be extremely violent but they are fairly Left wing. Most of the jokes are at the expense of the Right. Let's not shit on our own doorstep. GTA and Dan Houser have my support and admiration - the funniest, most entertaining and best computer game ever created.
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