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What is galloway's stance on Loose change video??
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Joined: 25 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:27 pm    Post subject: What is galloway's stance on Loose change video?? Reply with quote

What is Galloway's stance on Loose change video?? could anyone help me out with this..???

What is his story of 911 conspiracy...??
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

he doesn't believe loose change at all, he doesn't believe it was an inside job, if you check the conspiracy section i remember nekokate posted up his comments on loose change ...

edit - here it is;

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

George expanded on his 911 views a number of times.

He does recognise that MANY conspiracies happen, and he has been at the receiving end of quite a few (including planting of false documents). He is also of the view that nothing is too evil for the neo-cons.

BUT he thinks 911 was too big a job to have been pulled off as a conspiracy. Too many people involved etc.

He also believes there is more than enough wrong doings out there now to go after the neo-cons, without getting bogged down in the 911 events.

It thus seems to boil down to a practicality argument : What could have practically been pulled off, and what should we practically do now with all the other wrong doings out there (including 1,000,000+ Iraqis killed due to the illegal invasion).

If I was a lawyer, I would say George is concentrating on the stronger sides of his case against the neo-con, without risking a distraction.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thats kinda the chomsky argument, theres so much other stuff we should be holding power to account for, and that 9/11 is taking time away from a lot of other activism

galloway did say once though ... who does bin laden work for? sherlock
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks Luke and Mandy for ur comments....
Amidst all these plethora of conspiracies surrounding 911, be it of the Loose change who illustrates it as an inside job or like some say it as a coalition of outsiders and Insiders playing around..i had been smoking my heads up for quite some time.

I came across something which i thought would share with you all. I am not quite sure whether you people would have read/seen this before coz i regard myself as a late entrant to this arena of affairs. Its by Ryan Dawson titled- "911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel". I myself has seen the video and read the whole stuff, sounded convincing... wazz ur take...???

So here it goes:

What really happened on 911? Over 82% of Americans according to polls conducted by CNN believe that the official story of 911 is false and that the government is part of a cover up. There seem to be four main 911 theories, one form the main stream press and the 911 commission and others from researchers who bothered to look at things like physical evidence, the paper trail, and the money trail. But we have a fifth theory which unifies the war in Iraq with the cabal that planned 911. The 4 theories briefly go as follows. Some "911 was an inside job" camps like to lay out 4 scenarios. Briefly they go as follows.

1 Is the official story.
We got caught with our pants down and terrorists did 911. And the wars in the Middle East are part of the greater war on terrorism.

2 The incompetence excuse
There was information available about the coming attacks but because of our incompetence we failed to see it. Terrorists attacked the US. And the wars in the Middle East were based on mistakes (more incompetence) but now we got to stay.

3 They let it happen
They knew full well about the coming 911 attacks but allowed it to happen in order to use it as a pretext to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan as it was in military and corporate interests (particularly oil) to do so.

4 They made it happen. (They meaning just vaguely the Bush Admin)
The Bush government either helped protect the terrorists or simply used them as patsies, and assisted the plane crashes effects with bombs placed inside the towers prior to 911. The wars in the Middle East were about oil.

The 911 was an inside job camps then say the evidence must land you somewhere between 3 and 4 with more research dropping you firmly on number 4. Let me now throw in a 5th scenario

5 The Neocons Made it happen with the assistance of a foreign government, the same government where PNAC's papers were first written, and the same foreign nation who we have caught spies from who have been stealing secrets from the US about Iran, and who made up the shadow government of the OSP which is who cherry picked and fabricated the lies told about Iraq in order to start that war. The Wars in the Middle East were for separate reasons, Afghanistan was about a few pipelines as noted but more so about controlling large quantities of un-tapped uranium (a reason for both the Russian and US invasions) and secondly for controlling opium as the CIA uses drug money to fund it's off the book black operations such as the now known massive secret prison systems, (torture camps and human medical/scientific testing). Location-wise Afghanistan is coupled with other color coded revolutions to circle China and Russia with US bases and puppets, (add to that the lesser known negotiations with Japan to allow nuclear subs into the Japanese Sea [pointed at China] in exchange for moving troops from Okinawa to Guam). The main goal however, which the PNAC think tank states, is to keep the eye on the pie: Iran, which Afghanistan and Iraq both boarder. The invasion of Iraq was to solve Israel's oil crisis and stop the threat of a secular Middle East which would become a true economic player and was a threat to the aggressive state of Israel.

The evidence if it was ALL being stated, especially pertaining to the war in Iraq, would land you in scenario 5. To better understand the Iraq War and why the US invaded go here.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

luke wrote:
galloway did say once though ... who does bin laden work for? sherlock

George does repeatedly remind people that Bin Laden (and the Taliban) were funded, trained and armed by the west, but then Bin Laden got out of control.
That's the point that the mainstream media moves someone from "freedom fighter" to "terrorist".
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mandy wrote:
Bin Laden got out of control.

but did he? i mean, bin laden ( or the image created of him / al qaeda ) is bush's greatest asset - without him there would be no invasion and occupation of afghanistan ( or the pipe line they built through it, or the 800% increase in heroin production which the puppet presidents brothers crew are making a mint from ) - i doubt there would have been the invasion and occupation of iraq. it was the false linking of 9/11 with iraq in the american publics mind that helped them pave the way

see, i don't think they really care about the threat of terrorism, i mean - all their policies show us they don't care, nearly everything they do, as the intelligence services repeatedly say, increase the threat of terrorism ( or blow back as the cia call it ). in fact, the threat of terrorism, real or imagined, in the public mind, is just what those in power want. look at the legislation they've passed in america and here in britain off the back of it, these are polices that they had prepared and planned for time - i mean the patriot act was all ready to go before the planes even hit the towers. if bush and crew had had to invent a threat - they couldn't have come up with anyone better than bin laden!

bush wouldn't have been about to do half the shit he's done without bi laden

back on 9/11, its a bit early to get into any depth, but i don't believe the official conspiracy theory, and the american government have admitted they couldn't take it to court, it wouldn't stand up. so its not 1, i don't buy 2 - america spends so much money on intelligence and defense that i can't believe they missed all the planes that day - couldn't stop one - bollocks, the way rumsfeld was in control of the air defense that day - a complete change of protocol, theres so much that doesn't add up. there was a great post on medialens a while back with the huge amount of warnings the american government had received about the attack, which had made the main stream media - imagine the warnings they got that didn't make the media? i mean the ones that did were incredible, so when condoleezza rice comes out saying stuff like we had no idea - its blatantly a lie. which leaves 3,4 and 5 ... and the truth is i don't know which of those

its always baffled me they never bothered to follow the money trail to pakistan and beyond, one of the 'investigators' said something like it wasn't worth it, wasn't relevant!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its not Bin Laden who went out of control Mandy...!!! Bin Laden agreed to coexist with US only for driving our Soviet occupiers from Afghanistan. ( I mean Osama Bin Laden not the whole Bin laden Big Family).

His agenda was clear and directed solely to liberate Afghanistan from Soviet Occupiers and he welcomed US cooperation wholeheartedly but not knowing the US Hidden Agenda that US would in turn seek a long term cooperation back from him, which in almost all the cases are against to his ideology.

So you may say Bin Laden failed to judge US agenda when it tried to help him out in Afghanistan and later realized its true colors and started regarding US far worse than the Soviets.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Luke: but did he? i mean, bin laden ( or the image created of him / al qaeda ) is bush's greatest asset!
Luke you are in a way rite... Laden is Bush's biggest Asset....!!! But even without Bin Laden they would have accomplished what they have got now though its magnitude would be less.

For me , Bush is just a front face, a silly soul who is just barking out or vomiting whatever he s been told to utter...

All these events, the consequent wars and gossips are all well planned in advance. Theres a big lobby behind this. If you could do a kind of small independent research on AIPAC and the Zionist Lobby in United states, you could very well get answers to many questions. Like you will get to know who and what influences US Foreign Policies and why are they covering it up... Correct me if i am wrong. I am just learner.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shooltzon wrote:
even without Bin Laden they would have accomplished what they have got now though its magnitude would be less.

i don't know if they would, i mean, say the 9/11 attacks had been covered as it should have been - theres this bunch of nutters and they've committed a terrible crime - lets investigate, work out why they did what they did and get them, as opposed to what they did do - look its bin laden and his whole al qaeda crew and their crazy ideology and this is a declaration of war - a clash of civilizations, they hate our freedoms and all that bollocks - the whole manufactured clash of civilisations that bush and crew created and the media hyped is whats led us where we are - without the fear of the bogeymen of bin laden and al qaeda, without this manufactured clash of civilisations, i don't think they could have got support for what they did. if the media had asked the right questions, explained things, put things into historical context, explained the legitimate grievances of people like bin laden they couldn't have got support for war ... i don't think anyway

shooltzon wrote:
For me , Bush is just a front face, a silly soul who is just barking out or vomiting whatever he s been told to utter...

yeah i agree, bush is a fool - the real power comes from those around him, rumsfeld, cheney, the think tanks, various lobby groups and corporate interests - their the ones, pnac for example, who have directed things. bush can hardly put a sentence together - he can''t ride a bike or eat a pretzel without getting himself into trouble

shooltzon wrote:
All these events, the consequent wars and gossips are all well planned in advance. Theres a big lobby behind this. If you could do a kind of small independent research on AIPAC and the Zionist Lobby in United states, you could very well get answers to many questions. Like you will get to know who and what influences US Foreign Policies and why are they covering it up... Correct me if i am wrong. I am just learner.

i don't think its as clear cut to say its all down to the zionist lobby - there are lots of interests that benefited from the invasions of iraq and afghanistan and the continuing occupation

theres a thread here somewhere on the influence of the zionist lobby

i never actually got around to watching the lastest loose change, i see an earlier one, is it worth checking out?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My last comment was my interpretation of George's views.

My view (which shows substantial consistency with George's views) is that it is the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) which really runs the show behind the scenes.

I personally believe Osama Bin Laden died many years ago, and the US uses fake video / audio appearances to help them mould US opinion. I don't think George agrees with me on this point, but it doesn't alter the substantial point that the US created, armed and financed Bin Laden. He is THEIR creation, and their responsibility now (irrespective if he is still under their control) since they set up the situation. The US is responsible for letting the "fundamentalist" genie out of the bottle. You can't just let a juggernaut roll down a hill, and then say you are not responsible for what happens when it hits things since you weren't behind the wheels at the time of the crash(s).
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Certainly Benazir Bhutto believed that Osama Bin Laden is dead, and she was in rather a good position to make a judgement on that.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nekokate wrote:
Certainly Benazir Bhutto believed that Osama Bin Laden is dead, and she was in rather a good position to make a judgement on that.

what makes you say that, that she was in a good position to know? why would she be in a better position than all the intelligence agencies that have supposedly been looking for him? i'm not saying you're wrong, i'm just interested - i've not read much about her and bin laden
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You are right.. its just not the Zionist lobby.... there are hell lot of hungry foxes out there..... but there are hell lot of others who are beautifully deceived by this lobby in to it like Fuji Bank, Yakuza in Japan and hell lot of others...

Just take the case of "Anthrax", check out who is behind it with the Propaganda letter saying "Death to America, Death to Israel" !!! Poor world has to believe that it has to come from Arabs and only Arabs (their common enemy).

But since these people have given a religious domain, people are scared to openly criticize it coz of fear of charging them with "antisemitism"

As i always say, correct me if i am wrong...
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that as long as you make it clear that you're not tarring everyone with the same brush that you can make your way through the pitfalls. There are definitely devious bastards out there who will use 'the law' in its logical sense, rather than its true intention of protecting the vulnerable, but you can usually defeat that if you've got the knowledge and the balls.
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