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Suspect in JonBenet Ramsey murder is arrested
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: Suspect in JonBenet Ramsey murder is arrested Reply with quote

BOULDER, Colo.: A man arrested in Thailand is being held in connection with the slaying nearly a decade ago of 6-year-old beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey, U.S. officials said today.

Colorado authorities scheduled a news conference on Thursday to discuss the case, but declined further comment.

Federal officials familiar with the case, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the man was already being held in Bangkok on unrelated sex charges. CBS reported that the suspect, a 41-year-old second-grade teacher, will be brought back to the United States this weekend.

The girl was found beaten and strangled in the basement of the family's home in Boulder, Colo., on Dec. 26, 1996.

Law enforcement officials from Boulder were flying to Bangkok to present Thai authorities with documents in the slaying, officials in Washington said. They asked to remain anonymous pending an announcement in Colorado.

KUSA-TV of Denver, citing no sources, reported that the suspect has confessed to certain elements of the crime.

Officials in the Boulder County district attorney's office had no immediate comment. Nor did local police and sheriff's officials.

The girl's parents, Patsy and John Ramsey, had been under an "umbrella of suspicion" in JonBenet's death. The Ramseys said an intruder killed their daughter. A grand jury investigation in Boulder ended with no indictments, and no arrests had been made in the case.

Patsy Ramsey died in June.

In 2003, U.S. District Judge Julie Carnes in Atlanta concluded that the evidence she reviewed suggested an intruder killed JonBenet. That opinion came with the judge's decision to dismiss a libel and slander lawsuit against the Ramseys by a freelance journalist, whom the Ramseys had named as a suspect in their daughter's murder. The Boulder district attorney at the time said she agreed with Carnes' declaration.


This just blew my mind hearing it on the news. I often wondered if they'd ever catch the person that murdered that child.

It's a shame Patsy Ramsey passed on and couldn't see the day that justice is served. Their life was put through hell with being blamed for it. Not only did they lose their daughter but their lives, and I for one never believed they had a thing to do with it.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Weird, the suspect has admitted he was there when she died but it was an accident???????? His wife claims he was with her on Xmas day in the south??????? I just can't wait to see how this pans out, he also apparently has stated that he killed another child in Santa Rosa, CA?????????? Patsy Ramsey was told prior to her death that they had a viable suspect.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been watching more of this on the news and reading about it. It is all a little bit weird. The police have also said they have hard evidence connecting him to the crime.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it will come out that one or both parents still had something to do with all of this....

Watched a lot of this on BBC America (world news) this morning...
The guy in question looked a little 'shell shocked' but was able to convey quiet well that 'it was an accident'...

Expect the ramseys to be dragged over the coals again, this time by the guy who killed the kiddie (supposedly).

He could also be a loon that will admit to anything...
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

6ULDV8 wrote:
I think it will come out that one or both parents still had something to do with all of this....

Watched a lot of this on BBC America (world news) this morning...
The guy in question looked a little 'shell shocked' but was able to convey quiet well that 'it was an accident'...

Expect the ramseys to be dragged over the coals again, this time by the guy who killed the kiddie (supposedly).

He could also be a loon that will admit to anything...

That's exactly the same thing I've been thinking.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think either parent had a thing to do with it but I do agree with one thing. He might possibly be as you said 'a loon that would admit to anything'.

He said he'd written Patsy Ramsey and apologized for doing it and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with them finding out about this guy. The oddest thing of it all other than the crime itself is this moron saying over and over that he loved her.

I was glad John Ramsey had class enough not to slag the guy off to the press. He remembers the bad rap him and his wife got and doesn't want to do the same thing to this guy. They went through hell, and that's putting it mildly, and it's good to see although this is one of the worst things that can happen to a family that he wants to remain fair until the true facts are in.

I watched the press conference last night and I found it rather disturbing that the Bangkok immigration officer was laughing quite a lot through the whole thing, and the press seemed to be having a good laugh-up as well at points. When I was watching it I was hoping none of the Ramsey family were because it just seemed a bit too jovial no
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IRiSHMaFIA wrote:

He said he'd written Patsy Ramsey and apologized for doing it and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with them finding out about this guy. The oddest thing of it all other than the crime itself is this moron saying over and over that he loved her.

I didn't catch it all on the news this morning but I believe a college professor who was writting something (a book I believe) over the case was getting emails from this guy. The way the guy was speaking and some of his knowledge made the professor suspicious and he mentioned it to the police.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah he was corresponding with him over the last 4 years and apparently knew some facts that wasn't released to the public that only the police knew, but who knows what's really true.

The only true way to know if he's a lunatic that gets off on confessing or if he's the actual perpetrator is matching dna.

His wife said he was with her that xmas so it's all sounding pretty odd at the moment.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First thing I was thinking when I saw him on the news this morning....
"He's gay & in Thailand for little boys"...

Seriously, he just looks, sounds & acts gay in a pedo kinda' way (not that I have known any).

Going to watch CNN now...
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The guy addmits to be at the death but say,s he did not kill her.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

tasst wrote:
The guy addmits to be at the death but say,s he did not kill her.

When they approached him to make the arrest, they told him he's being charged with murder. He replied no it should be second degree murder since it was an accident. To me he's implying he's done it.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bells & whistles should have gone off several times when that guy visited Thailand in the past...

I'm sure there has to be some kind of profiling that goes on....
He just has that look / nature about him that screams "lock ya' kids out of site"...


As I said above, we will find another person or persons implicated & it's going to be a family member...
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

6ULDV8 wrote:
Bells & whistles should have gone off several times when that guy visited Thailand in the past...

I'm sure there has to be some kind of profiling that goes on....
He just has that look / nature about him that screams "lock ya' kids out of site"...


As I said above, we will find another person or persons implicated & it's going to be a family member...

I buy everything you said, other then involvement by a family member. They've investigated every one of them over a 10 year span and if there was anything dodgy they'd of found it by now.

We'll see I guess but the bottom line is I hope they find whoever did it because someone needs to be punished for this crime, and I think the family has been long enough in every way possible.....a lot of it unfairly too.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 3:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The whole thing makes me sick.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:12 pm    Post subject: JonBenet confession 'a lie' Reply with quote

JonBenet confession 'a lie'

WEIRDO John Karr?s confession to killing six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey was being dismissed as the ramblings of a sick fantasist last night.

Cops thought they had cracked America?s most notorious child murder after former teacher Karr, 41, was held in Thailand.

But doubts about his story soon surfaced.

Karr claimed he drugged child beauty queen JonBenet and accidentally strangled her while raping her in her Colorado home ten years ago.

But his ex-wife Lara Knutson has insisted he was spending Christmas with HER in Alabama ? 1,400 miles away ? when the killing took place.

Karr said he picked JonBenet up at school and took her to her home.

But he could not have ? the murder took place during the Christmas holidays. Experts also pour scorn on Karr?s account of the ?accidental? killing.

JonBenet died from a blow to the head and strangulation.

A former homicide detective said: ?It was not accidental, in fact, it was quite intentional. You?d think the killer could at least get right some of the details of the crime.?

No proof has been found that JonBenet was raped.

DNA found under her fingernails is being checked for a match with dad-of-three Karr. One theory is that Karr became hooked on the case because he has an obsession with unsolved child murders.

He said at a Thai press conference: ?I killed JonBenet. It was an accident, I loved her.? Yesterday he reacted with fury at the growing disbelief in his tale and demanded a second press conference.

But the Thais refused, branding him a ?khon baa?, or madman, that they could not wait to deport to the US.

Even if he did not kill JonBenet, he is still regarded as a dangerous man who preys on young girls.

Karr ? who was once briefly married to a girl of 14 ? fled America after he was held in California on five child-porn charges in 2001.

Authorities in Alabama, where he grew up, suspect him over a 2001 child murder.

And federal officials want him in connection with a sex abuse case in California.
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