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Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:53 pm Post subject: |
An artist has created a bizarre range of eye jewellery that hangs on medical wire from contact lenses
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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:17 pm Post subject: |
The painting itself isn't great, but I really like the ideas - the last one especially |
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Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:40 am Post subject: |
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Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:25 pm Post subject: |

Blackburn woman tattooed lover with her name
31st January 2009
By David Barnes
A WOMAN used a Stanley Knife to carve her name on the shoulder of her lover while he was asleep, a court heard. Dominique Fisher, 22, of Blackburn, has gone on trial accused of unlawfully wounding Wayne Robinson, with whom she had a drink-and-drug fuelled four-day fling after meeting in a nightclub.
As well as her name on his right shoulder, Fisher carved a star on his back and ‘body art’ on his left arm. Mr Robinson said he woke up covered in blood to find himself csut, with Fisher ‘snoring her head off’ next to him. Fisher had told him "I'm a tattooist. I thought you'd like it", the court heard.
But Fisher denies the charge and has told the jury she carried out the carvings with Mr Fisher’s consent. The court heard the two had met by chance in the Syndicate nightclub in Blackpool on June 12 then spent a night together in a room at the Cliffs hotel where cocaine was taken before going their separate ways in the morning.
The next day there was further contact between them and Mr Robinson travelled by taxi from his home in Fleetwood to her Blackburn flat. Steven Wild, prosecuting, said the man stayed with her for two nights and the pair drunk alcohol and took valium, not prescribed to either of them. He told the court: "What the Crown say happened is that around 2.30am on the Sunday morning Mr Robinson woke and found he was covered in blood. He found a design carved into his left arm and the name Dominique into his right shoulder and a star carved into his back."
Mr Robinson, 24, told the jury at Preston Crown Court that they took around 30 valium tablets between them that weekend. He said "I watched a bit of telly, laid on the bed, drinking vodka, chatting. That is basically all I can remember." He woke up the first morning and she said they had had sex. Mr Robinson said he presumed that on the Saturday he took more valium. His last recollectiion was being "laid on the bed".
Mr Robinson discovered the tattoos in the early hours of Sunday. "I had been cut up, there was blood and Dominique was snoring her head off. I had slashes, cuts on my arms and back." He refuted defence claims that he had consented to the tattoos, that he had asked her to do it and had mopped up the blood. "I was comatose", he added.
Mr Robinson’s wounds went onto heal, but has been left with visible scarring, the court heard. In her evidence, Fisher, who the court was told was a woman of good character, said they sat chatting about the seven tattoos she had then. She said he asked her to put ‘a tribal one’ on him. She told the jury she had never done it before and did not have a clue how to go about it.
Fisher, of Roebuck Close, in the Galligreaves area, said: “He was asking me questions like had I got anything sterile. I said I had Stanley blades because I had been decorating. He wanted to put his name into me and I said no. We were both awake, knew what we were doing and talking about. He was sat on the end of the bed, baring his arm. Both of us wiped the blood away. I was asking him did it hurt. He said 'no, carry on'."
It took a few hours to write the name Dominique and then the tribal tattoo. Fisher said she could not remember doing the star on his back. She later added in evidence: "I'm sorry for what I have done". The trial continues on Monday.
Such a romantic story...  |
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Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:13 am Post subject: |
don't breathe in! |
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Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:43 pm Post subject: |
No Regrets: The Worst & Most Ridiculous Tattoos Ever
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Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:57 pm Post subject: |
Tattoo teenager left seeing stars
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Belgian teenager who asked a tattooist for three tiny stars on her face, only to end up covered in 56 stars, is suing the tattooist for 10,000 Euros damages. Kimberley Vlaminck, 18, claims tattooist Rouslan Toumaniantz spoke such bad English and French that he misunderstood her at the Tattoo Boy studio in Courtrai, Belgium.
She said the translation error left her scarred for life after he tattooed her with an incredible 56 stars. Kimberley added her life had been 'ruined' by the artwork. She said: 'I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me.' She now wants compensation to undergo laser treatment to get them off, but even after the treatment - that will cost upwards of 10,000 Euros, she is still likely to be left with scars for life.
She claims she fell asleep while tattooist Rouslan Toumaniantz went to work. 'It is horrible,' said Kimberley. 'He has turned me into a freak.'
The tattoo artist meanwhile claims the teenager 'got what she wanted' - and only complained when her dad objected and her boyfriend dumped her.
She fell asleep?! I'm sure there's more to the story though - what tatooist would do that without really checking it was what she wanted? |
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Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:08 pm Post subject: |
I'll pay for half those star tattoos to be removed, says the man who engraved 56 on 18-year-old girl's face
17th June 2009
The tattooist embroiled in a row with a teenage girl who claims he tattooed 56 stars on her face when she only asked for three has said he will help pay for them to be removed. Rouslan Toumaniantz said today that Kimberley Vlaminck 'absolutely' agreed she wanted 56 stars tattooed on the left side of her face. But now the 18-year-old is suing Toumaniantz, claiming she had asked him for only three stars - and had fallen asleep during the procedure, waking up to a nightmare in her Belgian hometown of Courtrai.
'I maintain that she absolutely agreed that I tattoo those 56 stars on the left side of her face,' he told newspaper La Derniere Heure. 'A witness, a woman who was present, has already been questioned by police, and she confirms it. But be that as it may: Kimberley is unhappy and it is not my wish to have an unsatisfied client. There is a way to remove the tattoos with the help of a laser. I accept to pay for half the cost. She's 18 years old, she's an adult,' he said. 'I don't regret it. To tell you the truth, this has given me some publicity.'
Kimberley is suing Toumaniantz for ¢G10,000 after she paid ¢G55 for 'the graffiti that has ruined my life'. She claimed the Toumanaintz misunderstood her French and English. She claims she fell asleep while he was doing his work... and awoke to 'this nightmare'. 'It is terrible for me,' said Kimberley yesterday. 'I cannot go out on to the street, I am so embarrassed. I just look horrible.'
Toumanaintz said from now on he will get written consent from clients before he begins tattooing.
That's some proper body art on the guy! |
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Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:37 pm Post subject: |
'I lied about tattoo blunder because my father was furious':
Teenage girl with 56 stars on her face finally comes clean
By Ian Sparks
23rd June 2009
The teenage girl who claimed 56 stars were tattooed on her face as she slept when she'd only asked for three has admitted she was awake the whole time - and lied because her father was 'furious'. Kimberley Vlaminck said last week she woke up in horror to find her face covered in the stars of various sizes which spread out over the left-hand side of her head. She went on to blame the Flemish-speaking tattooist for not being able to understand her French and English instructions. Amid a frenzy of media attention, she then vowed to sue tattoo artist Rouslan Toumaniantz for the £9,000 she needs for laser surgery to have them removed.
She said after the tattooing: 'It is terrible for me. I cannot go out on to the street. I look like a freak.' But the 18-year-old has finally confessed she did not fall asleep, that she wanted all the stars and was 'fully aware' of what Toumaniantz was doing. Miss Vlaminck told a Dutch TV crew: 'I asked for 56 stars and initially adored them. But when my father saw them, he was furious. So I said I fell asleep and that the tattoist had made a mistake.'
Toumaniantz - himself covered from head to foot in tattoos and piercings - had consistently denied he had made a mistake and always insisted Vlaminck wanted all 56 stars. He said at the time: 'I maintain that she absolutely agreed that I tattoo those 56 stars on the left side of her face.' But despite insisting Vlaminck had asked for 56 stars, he still initially agreed to pay for half of the treatment to remove the tattoos. He said: 'Kimberley is unhappy and it is not my wish to have an unsatisfied client. 'I don't regret it. To tell you the truth, this has given me some publicity.' Toumanaintz is now said to have withdrawn his offer and said from now on he will get written consent from clients before he begins tattooing.
Now that's more like it! I'm wondering what they said to the girl to get her to pull that sad face though? |
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Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:28 pm Post subject: |
California company aims to build tattoo-removal empire across the US
Dr Tattoff, Inc eyes expansion as twentysomethings realise ink less suited to the conference room than the dorm
Daniel Nasaw,
6 August 2009
It seemed like a good idea at the time. When Tasha Bowens, a 26-year-old political activist from Florida, went to get a tattoo she chose a butterfly, thinking she would never regret such an innocuous design. But when the tattoo began to fade in the sun, she came to rue her youthful lapse of judgment. "Since I didn't take care of it, it kind of faded," she said. "I was young and stupid, and I wasn't protecting it from the sun."
America is full of men and women who made the fateful decision to adorn their bodies with tattoos. Some come to accept them as part of their identity, but hundreds of thousands wish they could remove them. In a move that reflects the growing trend for tattoo removal, a small California company hopes to establish a nationwide network of laser clinics.
Executives with Dr Tattoff, Inc aim to expand across the country from three clinics in southern California, as twentysomethings reared with television images of inked rockers and Hollywood stars realise the barbed wire bands around their wrists and gothic lettering on their necks are not as well suited to the corporate conference room as to the university dorm. "Tattoos are becoming more common in the workplace and in society," chief executive John Keefe told the Los Angeles Times. "My suspicion is that along with that, the tattoo regret factor will only grow as people get older."
While laser tattoo removal has been around for a decade, Dr Tattoff executives hope the company will be the first to build a franchise and marketing brand around the procedure and plan one day to take the company public. The market is huge. Fourteen percent of Americans sport a tattoo, rising to a third among Americans ages 25 to 29, according to a survey last year by the Harris Poll. Sixteen percent of those regret them, leaving nearly 7 million potential laser removal customers. And it's not just average Joes who wish they had never set foot inside a tattoo parlour. Rapper Andre Benjamin of OutKast said: "I had six silly tattoos done when I was young and I bitterly regret them. I've thought about laser surgery, but that leaves a scar, so I'm just leaving them."
Removal costs five to 10 times as much as the tattoo, about $750 to $1,500 spread across several sessions. The procedure entails blasting the ink particles with a laser and can cause significant pain (one Dr Tattoff patient said the procedure was worse than having his "crotch" tattooed). Multicoloured pieces are the hardest to remove, and scarring can remain.
In addition to those seeking a more grown-up appearance, patients show up at Dr Tattoff clinics after breaking up with lovers whose names they short-sightedly inked to their bodies, and others want to clear the canvas for new artwork. And as with shoes and clothing, tattoo styles go out of fashion. In the US, celtic arm bands and tattoos on women's lower backs have come and gone. Or not gone. California make-up artist Pixie Acia had Dr Tattoff dermatologist Will Kirby remove a montage of a woman and child from her shoulder to clear the "prime real estate" for another piece with more personal meaning. About twice a week the clinic treats youngsters hauled in by angry parents. The company says 85% of patients are women ages 18 to 44.
James McMahon - features editor of the NME
"I've a got this horrible lyric tattooed to my left inside ankle from a band I was in when I was 18. Every time I look at it I think: "How did you ever make a living from words when you wrote such pompous self-indulgent shit?" It's in my handwriting. I can't believe how shoddy it was - it looks like an illiterate monkey did it.
I will quite often being lying in the bath reading and then I'll look down at my ankle and be furious. I'll look at my leg and think, "You were such a dreamer when you were 18". I'm too embarrassed to say what it says. There's a little line in it about "believing in angels".
I've also got a Doncaster Rovers tattoo and there are times when I've been so angry with the team that I've wanted to scrub it off my leg. I was always thought my Dad's tattoos looked cool, even though he regrets them because he's not in the Navy any more. My Mum and Dad went mental when they noticed I'd got them. I got my last one two years ago - it was the logo of the band Black Flag. I got it on expenses because I wrote about it for the paper.
I don't believe in getting tattoos removed. There a bit like scars - you've got to live with them. They are a daily reminder of a point in your life when you were an idiot.
'Yes hello, I represent a large group of friends and I'm looking to find out if you can do a batch deal on removal of tramp-stamps?'
'Thank you, I'll hold'
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