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Joined: 29 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:08 am    Post subject: Synergy Reply with quote

I was thinking today that I've my main computer at this desk and another computer behind me on another desk. I wanted to figure out a way I could use both computers having the monitors side by side but avoid having to have 2 keyboards and mice. I googled a bit and found this program called Synergy and it's wicked.

It allows me to run both computers with one keyboard and mouse, and all I have to do is start the program on both machines and it sees this computer as the host and the other as the slave. They connect to each other and that's it. I can work on this computer or simply slide the mouse to my right and work on the other one and with no hitches or problems at all.

The program is free and the easiest thing to use. The only problem I had was configuring at first, but I made the simple mistake of not calling the main computer by it's proper name. Once I got that sorted it worked like a charm.

It's an excellent solution for anyone that wants to shift things across your network and work on 2 machines at once. I highly recommend it thumbs

If you're interested, click here and you'll see a wee video/tutorial on how to get it working. If you want the program, click here.

Choose 'lastest release' then Binaries. Download the exe for Windows or tar.gz for Macs.

If you have a windows machine and mac you can connect them up as well thumbs
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