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2008 Edinburgh Fringe

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Joined: 25 Apr 2006

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:47 pm    Post subject: 2008 Edinburgh Fringe Reply with quote

01 April 2008

Sitting in a clapped out Volkswagen waiting for a mechanic, Mark Olver began to wonder whether there was a better way to travel to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. So this year, the Bristol-based comedian has decided to put his best foot forward and walk the 410-mile journey. Instead of relying on a �300 car and the RAC, he will be relying on the kindness of strangers to provide food and accommodation during his gruelling trek. Setting off from Bristol's Jesters Comedy Club, Mr Olver's journey will see him travel across England, Wales and Scotland, through numerous towns and villages.

Mr Olver, 32, said: "This year will be my third solo show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I've driven, I've taken the train and I've flown there, so the only thing left to do was walk. I'm 33 this year and it feels like a big significant age. I've wanted to do something like this for years and it could be my last chance."

But he is also hoping to raise hundreds of pounds for Help The Hospices, including St Peter's Hospice in Bristol, which looked after his uncle 10 years ago. The self-described "chubby little-framed" comedian has already started long-distance walking in preparation for his journey. His first attempt was an ambitious 20-mile walk from his home in Cotham to Weston-super-Mare. He has since been embarking upon regular 15-mile walks.

Mr Olver's mammoth trek, which starts on June 9, will firstly take him to Chepstow. He will then head up through Monmouthshire and Herefordshire towards the Lake District, before heading east to County Durham. From there he will go along the coast to Edinburgh where he hopes to arrive on July 16. Walking an average of 15 miles each day, Mr Olver, plans to keep his energy levels high by eating hearty pub lunches. He also hopes to be joined by other comedians and supporters during sections of the journey.

He said: "Comedians are probably the most well-travelled people in the UK, driving from gig to gig. Ask me about any service station in the country and I'll probably know it but you rarely see the real places. I'm a real home-comfort type of person and I'll miss my laptop, my daily bath and my pillows. But when I complete it, it will be such an achievement. It's above and beyond anything I've ever done before. I'm not a rower so will never row across the Atlantic. I don't think I could ever run a marathon and I've no interest in climbing a mountain so this is my Everest. It should also give me loads of material for my show when I reach Edinburgh."

Mr Olver is well-known for his regular gigs at Jesters, where he is holding a leaving party on June 8. He has also appeared on Channel 4's Kings of Comedy. To donate or offer Mr Olver a place to stay visit


I don't remember him being on Kings of Comedy, but good luck to him for this - 15 miles a day? That's hardcore! Laughing

I'll add any other articles about the Fringe to this thread...
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